1950 Sept 19 - When will we see each other again?

Edy (Eddie) and Wally (Walter) are Henry's younger brothers. Esperanza met Walter in New York in 1947. There is a picture of the two of them together. I don't know that she met Ed, but possibly on one of her New York trips. She met sister Caroline who lived near Washington D.C. on her first trip. She wrote to Henry's sister Marie but never met her. The letter is addressed to Marie in Evansville. Henry was in Evansville building a house on a part of his family farm on Denzer Road. His sister Caroline was living in it in the 1970s.

México, D.F. Sept. 19, 1950

Mi querido Heni:

Hace mucho tiempo que no me escribes ¿por qué? Dime por favor si ya arreglaste tu viaje de estudio o si debido a la guerra en Corea has tenido algunas dificultades. También me preocupan Edy Y Wally. Edy puede ya ser llamado a pelear justamente ahora que piensa casarse y a Wally ya casado y con su hijito también podrían llamarlo nuevamente. Claro que ustedes tres me causan más pena que nadie porque tu eres tú y ellos son tus hermanos; pero también pienso en todos los otros millones de Edies y de Wallies.

Escríbeme, querido, dime como estás y qué haces; dime si tu salud es mejor, dime cómo están Marie y Caroline y tu mamá. Necesito saber de ustedes porque siempre, en medio de esta complicada vida mía, tu familia ha sido mi familia.

¿Cuándo nos volveremos a ver?

Con el cariño de siempre,


Mexico City Sept. 19, 1950

My dear Heni:

It has been a long time since you wrote to me why? Please tell me if you have arranged your study trip or if because of the war in Korea you have had some difficulties. I am also worried about Edy and Wally. Edy may already be called to fight just now that he plans to get married and Wally, already married and with his little son, may also be called again. Of course you three cause me more grief than anyone else because you are you and they are your brothers; but I also think of all the other millions of Edies and Wallies.

Write to me, dear, tell me how you are and what you are doing; tell me if your health is better, tell me how Marie and Caroline and your mother are. I need to hear from you because always, in the midst of this complicated life of mine, your family has been my family.

When will we see each other again?

With love as always,
