1949 March 31 - I am much improved, can already walk quite well and have returned to work at the Institute

31 de marzo de 1949

Querido Henny:

Yo estoy muy mejorada, ya puedo caminar bastante bien y he vuelto a trabajar en el Instituto. Espero que muy pronto se arregle tu asunto y puedas realizar todos tus proyectos.

No puedo enviarte las fotos de las cuevas, porque el hombre dueño de los negativos se ha convertido en enemigo de Gabriel, le ha hecho muchos daños y como comprenderás no es posible pedírselas. Te ruego que no digas nada a "Life" de mi enfermedad, ya sabes que la publicidad en cualquier sentido me es odioso y aprovechar la desgracia que tuve para tema de un artículo me parece muy mal.

Lo que te pedía que traducirás no era la sinopsis que te mandé para Mario Moreno sino otra que pensaba mandarte después. La de Moreno debías habérsela enviado tal y como estaba escrita en español.

Te ruego mucho que me escribas diciéndome cómo te sientes y que me avises en cuanto estés libre, porque me tienes muy preocupada. No hay que entristecerse, sólo hay que tener valor para afrontar las penas de la vida. Creo que nosotros hemos sufrido ya mucho y que todo lo que venga en el futuro nos parecerá bien poco. Así pues, no hay porqué descorazonarse.

Recibe un abrazo con el cariño de siempre.


March 31, 1949

Dear Henny:

I am much improved, can already walk quite well and have returned to work at the Institute. I hope that very soon your matter will be settled and you will be able to realize all your projects.

I cannot send you the photos of the caves, because the man who owns the negatives has become Gabriel's enemy, he has done him a lot of damage and as you will understand it is not possible to ask him for them. I beg you not to say anything to "Life" about my illness, you know that publicity in any sense is hateful to me and to take advantage of the misfortune I had for the subject of an article seems to me very bad.

What I was asking you to translate was not the synopsis I sent you for Mario Moreno but another one I was thinking of sending you later. You should have sent Moreno's synopsis as it was written in Spanish.

Please write to me telling me how you feel and let me know as soon as you are free, because I am very worried about you. There is no need to be sad, you just have to have courage to face the sorrows of life. I believe that we have already suffered a lot and that everything that comes in the future will seem very little to us. So, there is no reason to be disheartened.

Receive a hug with the affection as always.