1946 Dec 10 - Esperanza to Henry - Don't tell Gay that I am the daughter of the old one

Henry had a serious accident working on the dock, sometime in the fall of 1946. He told me that the mafia controlled the longshoremen's union. When one of their own was released from prison, he would have a job on the docks the next day, often as a foreman. It was one such boss that somehow caused a swinging load to hit Henry in the jaw, knocking out bottom molars on one side of his mouth. In his later years he enjoyed pulling his cheek back and showing kids his gold teeth, like a James Bond villain. This letter has neither signature nor envelope. It is written just a few weeks before her Jan 1947 visit to New York.

10 de diciembre de 1946

Blue Eyes:

Cuanto siento el accidente que tuviste, ojalá quedes bien. No quisiera que la cicatriz del maxilar o la compostura de tus dientes, estropearan esa cara tuya que tanto me gusta; pero si no quedara más remedio, ello no habría de inducirme a quererte menos. Sé que aunque te arrancaran la nariz una oreja y todas las muelas, seguiría queriéndote "tan irrazonablemente" como tu me quieres a mí.

Respecto a la compra de oro, necesitas explicarme bien lo que quieres y sobre todo, decirme cómo sería posible que te lo mandara.

Dime ¿Está haciendo mucho frío en New York? ¿Con cuánto dinero podría yo vivir, es decir cuánto me costarían las tres comidas? ¿Estás viviendo tú solo en el departamento que tienes? Habría un lugar para mí o en caso contrario podría yo conseguir un alojamiento barato? (acuérdate que cinco pesos mexicanos apenas hacen un dólar).

Hasta la vista (I hope)

P.S. No les digas a los Gay que yo soy hija de "el viejo" ni ellos ni nadie más que tu y yo lo sabemos.

December 10, 1946

Blue Eyes:

How sorry I am for the accident you had, I hope you will be all right. I wouldn't want the scar on your jaw or the structure of your teeth to spoil that face of yours that I like so much; but if there were no other choice, it wouldn't induce me to love you any less. I know that even if they were to tear off your nose, one ear and all your molars, I would still love you "as unreasonably" as you love me.

Regarding the purchase of gold, you need to explain to me what you want and above all, tell me how it would be possible to send it to you.

Tell me, is it very cold in New York? How much money could I live on, i.e. how much would three meals cost? Are you living alone in the apartment you have? Would there be a place for me or would I be able to get cheap lodging (remember that five Mexican pesos barely makes a dollar)?

Hasta la vista (I hope)

P.S. Don't tell Gay that I am the daughter of "the old one" neither he nor anyone else but you and I know.