1943 Jan 25 - Esp threatens legal action and copies the compound

Henry spends maybe one more night in the compound after getting this letter. He is called in to a meeting with Grandizo Munis and Otto Schuessler who tell him he has to leave. Walter O'Rourke is the guard that Esperanza copied.

25 de enero de 1943

Cuando cometí la torpeza de aceptar tu amistad, lo hice con la firme creencia de que trataba con un ser - consciente y razonable. Supe que me había equivocado - cuando durante la excursión que hicimos con el Club al Telapón, tuve que sufrir las manifestaciones de tu exaltación anormal ante una cosa tan sensilla como el retardo de un camión. A partir de entonces he luchado incesantemente contra las manifestaciones de tu desequilibrio, de tu salvajismo. Agotada mi paciencia te pedí que me dejaras en paz de una vez para todas, pero no quisiste comprender el significado de mis palabras.

El sábado tuviste el atrevimiento de ir a mi casa para insultarme en la forma más soez, completando la odiosa escena con amenazas de hacer un escándalo. Quiero advertirte que no estoy dispuesta a soportar más. Abstente en absoluto de volver a molestarme, de intentar insultarme y hacer las escenas que tanto te gustan, pues no creo que el escándalo de que hablas convenga a las gentes de tu partido, ya que no serás tú sino yo quien lo haga en el preciso momento en que te vea dispuesto a molestarme una vez más. He puesto en antecedentes de tus locuras a mi hermano que como sabes es abogado adjunto de la Procuraduría y quien no está de acuerdo en que se me moleste. Así pues, quedas advertido. Yo hubiera querido que nuestra amistad terminara no en forma drástica y penosa sino como debe - terminar la amistad de dos gentes civilizadas que no logran comprenderse. Pero tus actos de barbarismo me han colmado y es hora de poner punto final a esto.

Con copia para el señor Walter O'kroere

25 of January of 1943

When I was foolish enough to accept your friendship, I did so in the firm belief that I was dealing with a being - conscious and reasonable. I knew I was wrong - when during the excursion we did with the Club to Telapón, I had to suffer the manifestations of your abnormal exaltation before something as simple as the delay of a truck. Since then I have fought incessantly against the manifestations of your imbalance, your savagery. My patience exhausted, I asked you to leave me alone once and for all, but you did not want to understand the meaning of my words.

On Saturday (23rd) you had the audacity to go to my house to insult me in the most vulgar way, completing the hateful scene with threats to make a scandal. I want to warn you that I'm not willing to take any more. Absolutely refrain from bothering me again, from trying to insult me and making the scenes that you like so much, for I do not believe that the scandal you speak of will suit the people of your party, for it will not be you but I who will do it at the precise moment I see you willing to bother me one more time. I have informed my brother of your follies who, as you know, is an assistant lawyer for the Attorney General's Office and who does not agree that I should be bothered. So, you have been warned. I would have wanted our friendship to end, not in a drastic and painful way, but as it should - the friendship of two civilized people who cannot understand each other. But your acts of barbarism have overwhelmed me and it is time to put an end to this.

With copy for Mr. Walter Ókroere