All photos by Henry Schnautz, Rights Reserved, Copyright 2008-2022 by Henry Schnautz and Terry Priest.
All photos available for use under Creative Commons Commercial license CC By-SA 2.0. This means you can use for a book or an article. Please use the CC credit line and "Photo by Henry Schnautz". I would also appreciate an email with a brief description of your project simply for my education.
Esperanza Lopez Mateos on the Manhattan Bridge 1947
Esperanza Lopez Mateos was in New York for a month Jan 26 - Feb 26, 1947 and again the next winter when she left for Europe from New York then returned there. All but the last two of these pictures are the first trip.
Esperanza Lopez Mateos at Henry Schnautz apartment Jan 1947 Esperanza Lopez Mateos at Henry Schnautz apartment Jan 1947 Esperanza Lopez Mateos on top of apartment building Jan 1947, Empire State Bldg in background Esperanza Lopez Mateos at Henry Schnautz apartment Jan 1947 Esperanza Lopez Mateos on the Manhattan Bridge Jan 1947 Esperanza Lopez Mateos and Henry Schnautz at his apartment buiding New York Jan 1947 Esperanza Lopez Mateos and Henry's brother Walter on top of his apartment buiding New York Jan 1947 Esperanza and Henry on top of his apartment building New York Jan 1947 I don't know what this is, possibly a museum souvenir, showing a Mayan prince. Esperanza wrote a poem on it. All I have is a negative.
Boca dulce, risueña,
si de un dulce reis
fuisteis la dueña.
Por qué no alentais más
y estais perdida?
Por qué os dejó la vida?
Boca dulce, risueńa...
Esperanza possibly on the long road home from New York Feb 1947. Esperanza with Henry's sister Caroline and her children at her house in Maryland, probably Jan 1948. On her second trip, Esperanza went to New York in Nov 1947, then flew to Europe, returned to New York on Jan 14, 1948. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre was playing in New York in January 1948.
All the pictures on this page by Henry Schnautz, rights reserved